Nets Out Now Coalition
Image AMCS/HSI/N McLachlan
Nets Out Now Coalition
A campaign against the state-funded culling of sharks in Australia
Queensland and New South Wales state legislation allows their respective Fisheries departments to operate a lethal shark mitigation program, to reduce shark populations, through the use of shark nets and drumlines.
These devices are fishing apparatus designed to catch and kill. Their use is legislated under Fisheries legislation, and interfering with the equipment is punishable under the Fisheries Act.
The 'Shark mitigation and deterrent measures' Senate Inquiry (2017), found substantial evidence that Mesh Nets and Drumlines - used by the Queensland Shark Control Program and NSW Shark Meshing and Bather Protection Program to Cull sharks - do not make any impact on safety, negatively impact the marine Ecosystem, and provide beach goers with a false sense of security - and recommended they cease in favour of modern non-lethal technologies.
The Nets Out Now Coalition is taking a stand against shark culls. Learn more about the scientific evidence, position statements, events and the members of the coalition on their website.